Estudio ecosistémico del lago de Pátzcuaro. Aportes en gestión ambiental para el fomento del desarrollo sustentable. Vol. II - page 98

Estudio ecosistémico del lago de Pátzcuaro
lla mínima registrada de reproducción fue de
25 mm, asimismo la temperatura no represen-
ta un factor limitante ya que
C. patzcuarensis
adapta a las fluctuaciones presentes. Hay una
variación espacio-temporal de parámetros fisi-
coquímicos en el Lago de Pátzcuaro, que presen-
tan poca fluctuación de temperatura, oxígeno y
pH. Se presentó un descenso de la salinidad y la
conductividad durante la temporada de lluvias.
El amonio registrado presentó su mayor con-
centración con 42.05 mg/l al norte del Lago de
Pátzcuaro en la localidad de Chupícuaro, segui-
dos por las zonas de Cucuchucho, Pared-Tarerio
y Oponguio, esto indica una eutrofización del
lago. La composición del suelo está compuesto
por un alto porcentaje de arcillas y arenas finas
en tamaños que van desde 0.062 a 0.42 mm, con
presencia de zonas de áreas rocosas. Los por-
centajes de materia orgánica registrada fueron
del 6% al 16%.
For this study we made ​an ecological zoning
Lake in 17 regions. The collections were made
by using scoop nets, with minimal areas of 1m
The organisms were identified using taxonomic
keys (Villalobos, 1955) and morphometric data
were taken as: total length, carapace length, to-
tal weight and sex. Also physicochemical para-
meters were water. Based on the records were
mapped collects the areas for the representa-
tion of the population structure of
C. patzcua-
, results indicate population sex relations-
hip 1H average ( ): 1 M ( ) maximum sizes
of 38.3 mm for females and males of 37 mm for
females and minimum sizes of 8.67 mm and 11.3
mm for male. There was a population density of
10 organisms per m
, recording density per m
5 for females and 5 for males per m
. The areas
with the highest density per area are Yunuen Is-
land and Isla Janitzio. Puácuaro Island and Isla
Janitzio Yunuen established as breeding areas
for its rocky bottom and high presence of ovige-
rous females. The population indicators were:
Synthetic Fertility Index ( ISF ) = 199.17; Gross Re-
production Rate ( R ) = 97.19; Interval for spaw-
ning Medium size ( TMD ) = 37.81; Play Net Rate
( Ro) = 3.79; rate Population Growth Ratio = 1.53
and growth rate (% ) = 153.13%. The indicators
obtained for the population of
C. patzcuarensis
determine which is increasing. The highest re-
cord of spawning was observed during the rainy
season, which runs from June to October, with
an average number of eggs per female of 65 ,
maximum of 101 and minimum of 30. Reveals
seven larval development stages lasting 35 days
before hatching of the egg. In this species spaw-
ning female has continued with intervals of less
than 20 days of each other. There was a low
number of eggs but high viability. The minimum
size reproduction recorded was 25 mm, also
the temperature is not a limiting factor since
adapts to these fluctuations. The-
re is a spatio-temporal variation of physicoche-
mical parameters on Lake Patzcuaro, they show
little fluctuation in temperature, oxygen and
pH. It showed a decline in salinity and conduc-
tivity during the rainy season. The registration
showed the highest ammonium concentration
42.05 mg / l north of Lake Patzcuaro in the town
of Chupícuaro, followed by Cucuchucho areas,
and Wall - Tarerio Oponguio, this indicates eu-
trophication. The soil composition is comprised
of a high percentage of clay and fine sand in
sizes ranging from 0.062 to 0.42 mm, with the
presence of areas of rocky areas. Organic matter
percentages were recorded from 6% to 16%.
Se realizaron estudios y análisis de la estructu-
ra poblacional del acocil endémico,
en el Lago de Pátzcuaro de 2004 al
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