La Cuenca del Río Conchos: Una mirada desde las Ciencias antes del Cambio Climático - page 49

La cuenca del río Conchos:
una mirada desde las ciencias ante el cambio climático
• ongoing evaluations, in order to understand the
penetration of the RGBO to inform regional climate-
related decisions, the effectiveness of this service, and
to assess changing user needs for information, forecasts,
and knowledge exchange
• quantification of vulnerabilities to climate change,
including adaptive capacity, in order to prioritize
climate adaptation strategies and research efforts
• impacts reporting, in order to improve research into
the connections between forecasts and impacts, which
will aid in making forecasts more usable (Smith
et al.,
• improved inventory of data and information resources,
in order to increase adaptive capacity and ability to
conduct climate impact research
• improved coordination between Mexican and U.S.
seasonal climate forecasts, including rigorous evaluation
of forecast skill, in order to increase confidence in
forecasts, improve understanding of seasonal variations
in ability to forecast, improve the ability of stakeholders
to use multiple types of forecasts and related products,
and to improve forecasts and prediction science
• consensus on a set of climate change projections and
scenarios touse indiscussionswith regional stakeholders,
in order to home in on consistent guidance as input to
adaptation planning exercises that lead to development
and implementation of strategies
We see many opportunities for further collaboration, research,
extension, outreach and other activities to improve preparedness,
increase resilience, and reduce climate-related vulnerabilities in
the region. First, there is strong interest among multiple agencies,
universities, and NGOs to participate in climate service part-
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