La Cuenca del Río Conchos: Una mirada desde las Ciencias antes del Cambio Climático - page 47

La cuenca del río Conchos:
una mirada desde las ciencias ante el cambio climático
term risks, such as floods (e.g., the Virtual Border Conference
and for chronic problems, such as air quality in the Ciudad
Juárez-El Paso basin. Nevertheless, until recently, relatively little
attention has been paid to preparation for seasonal-to-decadal
climate time scales (Shafer
et al.,
2016; REDESClim 2017).
The North American Climate Services Partnership, formed in
2012 (Muth
et al.,
, 2017; Lawrimore
et al.,
, 2002), has made modest
progress in fostering cooperation and collaboration in providing
climate services in the RGB pilot region. The Rio Grande|Bravo
Climate Impacts and Outlook (RGBO) provides a source of
information about seasonal climate forecasts and impacts for the
region. Most of the drought and water impacts information in
the RGBO has focused on the main stem of the Rio Grande,
and U.S. tributaries, such as the Pecos River. The RGBO can be
further improved through more specific information on the key
Mexican tributary, the río Conchos. Also, we know from previous
efforts (Garfin
et al.,
, 2006; Jacobs
et al.,
, 2005; Guido
et al.,
, 2013)
that for online services, like the RGBO, to be effective, there
needs to be multiple kinds of support. The key barrier to the
support needed for an information source, like the RGBO, to
thrive is the presence of strong boundary organizations, on-the-
ground, in the region, and on both sides of the border. Boundary
organizations can augment online services with in-person
contact (e.g., through workshops and training, consultation,
and collaborative partnership activities), and through ancillary
online service products, such as webinars, podcasts, social media
outreach, and dedicated website and phone app resources. The
NACSP RGBO initiative has been modestly backed through the
CLIMAS website, with assistance from the NIDIS website in the
U.S., and websites of other boundary organizations (e.g., SCIPP).
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